December 17, 2021

An Easy Guide on Educating First-Time Cannabis Users

If you're thinking about trying cannabis for the first time, there are a couple of things you should know.

If you're thinking about trying cannabis for the first time, there are a couple of things you should know. Cannabis is a plant that has been around for thousands of years. In recent times, it has been used as medicine for various health, pain and mental disorders as well as recreationally.

It is now accepted in many countries as being helpful to those who suffer from chronic pain and other debilitating conditions such as cancer, AIDS, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. It’s not addictive like other drugs and the side effects are usually mild and short-term unlike cigarettes and alcohol (e.g., dizziness, dry mouth).

There are two different types of cannabis, the dried plant, and the green plant. The dried plant is useful for medical use whereas the green plant is more popular among recreational users. They both provide a similar high with slightly different side effects.

Cannabis has psychoactive properties, meaning that it affects one’s cognition, thought, and perception. It is legal in Canada to possess up to 30 grams of cannabis in public places but smoking it anywhere can result in some severe legal penalties under federal law (i.e., jail time).

There are three important things to keep in mind when trying cannabis for the first time:

1. Keep it simple.

Be cautious when trying a new drug. You don't want to overdo it the first time out. Your tolerance is going to be low the first few times you use cannabis, so take it easy, especially at first. Start with a small amount and see how long it lasts and if you get too high, wait an hour or two before consuming more. This will give your body a chance to get used to the effects of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana). You’re essentially training your body to tolerate THC and helping it build up a higher tolerance.

2. Learn how to ‘chill out

If you’re feeling anxious or excited, take a walk outside or sit somewhere quiet to calm down, rather than using cannabis as a way to deal with those feelings. The more often you smoke cannabis, the less likely you are to experience anxiety and paranoia as your tolerance increases. Keep in mind that the effects of cannabis vary on everyone; some people have more intense experiences than others. The first time someone tries it, expect a wide range of experiences including happiness and euphoria; relaxation; anxiety and paranoia; giggling fits etc.

3. Let it wait.

This is one of the biggest mistakes newbies make. They get a strong high from their first time, and have a hard time waiting to smoke more. While you’re high, try to plan to do something less risky the next day, such as going shopping or cleaning the house. Some people enjoy the feeling of being high so much that they want to be that way all the time! However, you’ll eventually want to start enjoying yourself sober as well. Don't let your initial experiences with cannabis cloud your judgement and make you think you can't live without it for the rest of your life.

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